Upgrade Your Coordinate Measuring Machine Software In 2017
If your shop is equipped with a coordinate measuring machine, you know that it’s the kind of equipment that can last for years, especially if you take proper care of it and practice preventive cleaning and maintenance. Coordinate measuring machines deliver automated inspection to your shop and quickly and reliably deliver huge data sets, helping you meet tight delivery deadlines without cutting corners at inspection. While they have changed very little mechanically over the past several decades, that doesn’t mean the industry hasn’t been innovating. From laser scanners to shop-floor ready portable arms, there are better, more efficient ways to collect measurement data, and software plays a major part in these developments.
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Typically, you don’t need to upgrade your coordinate measuring machine to take advantage of better technology; new probing systems, controllers, and the latest CMM software are usually enough to upgrade your inspection capacity. Using obsolete software can really put you behind the pack in terms of quality control and make your shop less appealing to new clients. Below are some of the software upgrades available from metrology vendor Canadian Measurement Metrology, an independent dealer that sells new and used coordinate measuring machines and offers related metrology solutions, such as software training, calibration, and retrofits.
PC-DMIS – The world’s most popular coordinate measuring machine software solution, PC-DMIS is found in over 30,000 shops across the world, as it can be used for a wide range of simple to complex components. PC-DMIS allows you to program your inspection programs from CAD models, allowing you to program alongside your machine tools.
PC-DMIS SMA – This Software Maintenance Agreement gives you access to the most current releases in PC-DMIS software, so that you receive ongoing software developments and improvements after your initial investment. Software for coordinate measuring machines is a significant investment, especially once you factor in training personnel or updating controllers, so you want both support and new updates. Real time tech support comes from Canadian Measurement Metrology Inc., giving clients unlimited access to tech support to resolve problems. Last of all, the SMA gives you version compatibility, so that you don’t encounter any technical issues migrating data between your own systems and those of your clients and suppliers.
Polyworks – This is a point cloud inspection solution that allows shops to collect high-density data sets from contact probes for unparalleled control of parts and tools. If you’re serious about introducing superior quality control and reducing waste by catching errors as they happen, Polyworks is the software solution for your shop. It allows you to monitor for wear and tear on your machine tools and detect any changes to product quality before you have the finished product.
Laser Scanner Software – Laser scanners can collect millions of data points and are ideal for 3D data and reverse engineering when you don’t have a CAD model; laser scanner software like PC-DMIS Reshaper helps you manage all that data.
When it’s time to upgrade your coordinate measuring machine software, find out what’s new and contact your metrology dealer. Before buying, also look into training options, and whether or not there are e-courses available for that particular software.
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